Hello World!
I’m Piotr. Graphic Designer, Video Editor and Animator with over 15 years of Experience.
Web Design
Web Design and implementation
PDMA Central Europe
Business-oriented website for an international organization.
Web Design and implementation
EMINUS Company Website
Business/portfolio website.
Web Design and implementation
Rokanan Group
A website I’ve put into motion based on an outsourced design and supplemented with my own graphics that fit the chosen theme. The design wasn’t easy to implement in WordPress, but the end-result is more than satisfactory.
Web Design and implementation
Per Aspera Foundation website
A simple, people-oriented website for a non-profit organization.
Web Design and implementation
Wild Furballs mobile game website
Wild Furballs strike again! Given that I’ve drawn an animated everything in this game, it was only natural I would make the website too 😉
Web Design and implementation
Wings – therapist website
Simple and functional e-commerce website built WordPress.
Web Design and implementation
Dotleniamy (prototype)
Information website for an organization dealing with hydroponic, air-filtering gardens.
Web Design and implementation
Yes! This very portfolio site, made from scratch in WordPress.
Web Design and implementation
Agata Rutkowska – Therapist website
Another information/e-commerce WordPress site.
Web Design and implementation
Spectraterm – thermal imaging professionals
Work-in-progress website for a higly specialized industry.
Web Design and implementation
PixelPolishTV – private website
YouTube related front-end for my passion project.
Web Design and implementation
2smoke – E-cigarette store
One of my ancient designs for a company long gone, but it brings back memories…
Web Design and implementation
FORTEC Newsletter
haven’t dealt with newsletters for a whilke now, but I’m proud of this one, as I both designed and ran this one with great success.
Flash Animation
Flash Animation for web
Flash presentation for industry expo
Flash might be dead, but it was my first introduction to motion graphics. These are some of the examples and reminders of a bygone era…
Ad banner for 4F
Animated e-leatning agent for Eminus.
Another 4F banner.
Title screen for an e-learning course.
Preloader animation for an internet platform.
Animated end-screen.
Remember when both banners and navigation were all made in Flash? Yeah, it’s one of those 😉
Ad banner for a textile vendor.
Animated Chrostmas Card
Animated Easter card.
Sygma’s robot mascott put into motion as an e-learning course agent.
Simple e-learning course infographic.
Ancient CCTV company ad banner.
Ancient CCTV company ad banner. Again.
One of the first animated website bannersI have ever created. Highly nostalgic.
“Edgy”, tribal pre-loader animation. Times were different back then 😉
“Waiting for upload”
Private work for a live-streamer – an animation that would play anytime someone would hit the “Follow” button. Good times.